Wiki tricks
Move heading in a level deeper
sed -e 's/\(=\+\)/=\1/g' infile > outfile
An HTML to Wiki syntax converter
Convert Word doc or Webpage to wiki
Sed tricks
Bash Tricks
Harvest host memory profile > /tmp/DMIDECODE LLIST=`grep -n "Memory Device" /tmp/DMIDECODE | grep -v "Address" | sed 's/:.*//'` TOTSIZE=0 for i in $LLIST; do MEMSIZE=`tail -n +$i /tmp/DMIDECODE | head -13 | grep "Size:" | sed 's/No/0/' | awk '{print $2}'` TOTSIZE=$[ $TOTSIZE + $MEMSIZE ] done PNAME=`grep "Product Name" /tmp/DMIDECODE | sed -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/ /_/g' -e '1 q' ` HNAME=`hostname | sed 's/\.xyzcompany.*//'` OSINFO=`uname -n -m -r` #SPEEDINFO=`grep "Current Speed:" /tmp/DMIDECODE | sed -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/000 MHz/ GHz/' -e '1 q' ` NUMCORES=`grep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo | sed -e 's/.*: //' | tail -1` NUMCORES=$[ $NUMCORES + 1] CPUINFO=`grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | sed -e 's/.*: *//' -e 's/\s\+/_/g' -e '1 q' ` RAMSIZE=`echo "$TOTSIZE MB" | sed -e 's/1024 MB/1 GB/' -e 's/2048 MB/2 GB/' -e 's/4096 MB/4 GB/' -e 's/6144 MB/6 GB/' -e 's/8192 MB/8 GB/' -e 's/12288 MB/12 GB/' -e 's/16384 MB/16 GB/' ` #echo "$OSINFO $PNAME $RAMSIZE $SPEEDINFO" echo "$OSINFO, $PNAME, $RAMSIZE, $NUMCORES Core, $CPUINFO"
sudo tcpdump -i bond0:6 -s 0 -x host and port 8080 sudo tcpdump -i bond0:6 -s 0 sudo tcpdump -i bond0:6 -s 0 -X port 8080 -w /tmp/tdump1output file tdump1 can be read in using WireShark
Pulls files off remote and delete's then after verified transfer.sudo rsync -auvlz --remove-sent-files jsokol@xyzhost:tmp/xyx* .
search and kill processesThis was for finding and killing XYZ processes on servers, (it's assumed) they will restart themselves.
[jsokol]$ more bouncehosts
if [ -s $1 ] ; then
awk '{ print $1 }' $1 > /tmp/hostlist1
for h in $(cat /tmp/hostlist1 );do
echo ID $h
TMP1=`ps ax | grep xyz | grep Builds | grep "com_$h "`
# ps ax | grep xyz | grep Builds | grep "com_$h "
if [ "$?" -eq 1 ] ; then
TMP2=`grep "^$h " $1`
echo No XYZ Running for $TMP2
TMP2=`echo $TMP1 | awk '{print $1}'`
echo Killing Pid $TMP2
kill $TMP2
sleep 30
# grep "$h " x2 | awk '{print "'$h' " $1}' | sed 's/XYZ=/ /' | sed 's/%2C/ /g' | sed 's/ /g'
echo "file $1 doesn't exist, or you didn't enter a filename"
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ];then echo "please sUd0 this.."; exit
ssh -q "$3"@hostdb.corp "sudo mysql -e \"select hostname,productname from host where productname like '%$1' and hostname like '%$2%' \" noc";
for i in $(cat XYZ.all); do echo "edit" | ssh sokol@$i 'sudo sed s/34/37/g -i /etc/app/configfile' ;done >> xyz.log
[jsokol@xyz.sjc ~]$ ZZ=6 [jsokol@xyz.sjc ~]$ echo $[4 + $ZZ] 10
echo xyzhost(3..6}.sjc,|sed s/", "/","/gxyzhost3.sjc,xyzhost4.sjc,xyzhost5.sjc,xyzhost6.sjc,
running average
# example of how to get running average.
if [ ! -s "runaveragedata-last" ] ; then
echo 0 > runaveragedata-last
NEWVAL=`cat newdata`
RUNAVR=`cat runaveragedata-last`
# doing work in fixpoint numbers
NEWAVR=$[ $NEWVAL * 1000 + $[ $RUNAVR * 9 ] ]
RUNAVR=$[ $NEWAVR / 10 ]
echo $RUNAVR > runaveragedata-last
echo $[ RUNAVR / 1000 ]
Bash loops
for h in 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 18; do scp host:/path /xyc$h.log .;done for h in $(cat file ); do echo $h |tee -a outputlog; rsync -auvlz host:$h $h; done rpm -qa | egrep -i 'egw|logfs' | xargs sudo rpm -e ------------ more #!/bin/bash for h in $(grep -vE ^# $1 | grep -vE ^$ | awk {'print $1'} | sort | uniq -d ) do grep -n $h $1 done ------------ [jsokol]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # tiny tool meant to mimic a device profile. It should take ports, or service names, # and mimic the open ports epected for that type of machine # use IO::Socket; use Sys::Hostname; my $proto = "udp"; my $port = "8080"; my $hostname = hostname; my $persist = 0; my $server = "localhost"; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => $proto, Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't talk to $server on $port \n\n"; print $socket "GET \n"; @answer = <$socket>; close($socket); print "@answer \n\n"; ------------ [jsokol]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # tiny tool meant to mimic a device profile. It should take ports, or service names, # and mimic the open ports epected for that type of machine # # use IO::Socket; use Sys::Hostname; my $proto = "udp"; my $port = "8080"; my $hostname = hostname; my $persist = 0; my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => $port, # Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => $proto, # Reuse => 1, # Listen => 10 ) or die "\tCouldn't generate new server socket on port $port\n\n"; print "starting server\n\n"; $server->accept(); while ($server->recv($msg, 255)) { print "Got message $msg from $server->peername \n"; $server->send("Thanks"); } close($server); ------------ #!/bin/sh # comm-hack. Use this to send multiple commands to multiple hosts.
# Usage: ./scriptname [hostlist filename] [user] x=$1 #host list y=$2 #username #begin echo echo -n "Enter password: " read -s PASS echo echo -n "Enter commands: " read COMMANDS #for i in $(cat $x ); do echo -e "$PASS" | ssh '$y'@$i $COMMANDS; done for i in $(cat $x ); do echo "$PASS"| ssh "$y"@$i $COMMANDS; echo "Executed on host: $i @ `date '+%m/%d/%y%t'` " done fi
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