---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Sokol <john.sokol@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Subject: humm. JS
To: JM
this.window = [object DOMWindow]
this.top = [object DOMWindow]
this.location = file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/videotechnology/html5/js/platform.html
this.external = [object Object]
this.chrome = [object Object]
this.v8Locale = function (settings) { native function NativeJSLocale(); // Assume user wanted to do v8Locale("sr"); if (typeof(settings) === "string") { settings = {'localeID': settings}; } var properties = NativeJSLocale( v8Locale.__createSettingsOrDefault(settings, {'localeID': 'root'})); // Keep the resolved ICU locale ID around to avoid resolving localeID to // ICU locale ID every time BreakIterator, Collator and so forth are called. this.__icuLocaleID = properties.icuLocaleID; this.options = {'localeID': properties.localeID, 'regionID': properties.regionID}; }
this.document = [object HTMLDocument]
this.key = key
this.HTMLSpanElement = function HTMLSpanElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSRule = function CSSRule() { [native code] }
this.WebGLContextEvent = function WebGLContextEvent() { [native code] }
this.screen = [object Screen]
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this.SVGFEImageElement = function SVGFEImageElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLBaseElement = function HTMLBaseElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGAltGlyphDefElement = function SVGAltGlyphDefElement() { [native code] }
this.XMLHttpRequestException = function XMLHttpRequestException() { [native code] }
this.SVGZoomEvent = function SVGZoomEvent() { [native code] }
this.Float32Array = function Float32Array() { [native code] }
this.HTMLMenuElement = function HTMLMenuElement() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBDatabaseException = function IDBDatabaseException() { [native code] }
this.SVGTransformList = function SVGTransformList() { [native code] }
this.WebKitTransitionEvent = function WebKitTransitionEvent() { [native code] }
this.DOMParser = function DOMParser() { [native code] }
this.WebKitCSSKeyframeRule = function WebKitCSSKeyframeRule() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEComponentTransferElement = function SVGFEComponentTransferElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGElementInstance = function SVGElementInstance() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs = function SVGPathSegMovetoAbs() { [native code] }
this.sessionStorage = [object Storage]
this.SVGGElement = function SVGGElement() { [native code] }
this.offscreenBuffering = true
this.EntityReference = function EntityReference() { [native code] }
this.MutationEvent = function MutationEvent() { [native code] }
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this.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = function SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs() { [native code] }
this.WebGLProgram = function WebGLProgram() { [native code] }
this.CharacterData = function CharacterData() { [native code] }
this.HTMLIsIndexElement = function HTMLIsIndexElement() { [native code] }
this.Entity = function Entity() { [native code] }
this.SVGEllipseElement = function SVGEllipseElement() { [native code] }
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this.DOMException = function DOMException() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedNumberList = function SVGAnimatedNumberList() { [native code] }
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this.SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio = function SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio() { [native code] }
this.MediaController = function MediaController() { [native code] }
this.CanvasGradient = function CanvasGradient() { [native code] }
this.HTMLTableCaptionElement = function HTMLTableCaptionElement() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBDatabaseError = function IDBDatabaseError() { [native code] }
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this.WebGLTexture = function WebGLTexture() { [native code] }
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this.HTMLTableSectionElement = function HTMLTableSectionElement() { [native code] }
this.status =
this.XMLSerializer = function XMLSerializer() { [native code] }
this.HTMLOptGroupElement = function HTMLOptGroupElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement = function SVGFEDisplacementMapElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGDescElement = function SVGDescElement() { [native code] }
this.navigator = [object Navigator]
this.SVGSwitchElement = function SVGSwitchElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLStyleElement = function HTMLStyleElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGElementInstanceList = function SVGElementInstanceList() { [native code] }
this.SVGLengthList = function SVGLengthList() { [native code] }
this.SVGMetadataElement = function SVGMetadataElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel = function SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel() { [native code] }
this.SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement = function SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs = function SVGPathSegLinetoAbs() { [native code] }
this.TouchEvent = function TouchEvent() { [native code] }
this.DataView = function DataView() { [native code] }
this.CustomEvent = function CustomEvent() { [native code] }
this.AudioProcessingEvent = function AudioProcessingEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedRect = function SVGAnimatedRect() { [native code] }
this.SVGFontFaceElement = function SVGFontFaceElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLAudioElement = function HTMLAudioElement() { [native code] }
this.WheelEvent = function WheelEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGRadialGradientElement = function SVGRadialGradientElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGTitleElement = function SVGTitleElement() { [native code] }
this.EventException = function EventException() { [native code] }
this.CSSRuleList = function CSSRuleList() { [native code] }
this.Node = function Node() { [native code] }
this.SVGStringList = function SVGStringList() { [native code] }
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this.SVGPathElement = function SVGPathElement() { [native code] }
this.Attr = function Attr() { [native code] }
this.SVGColor = function SVGColor() { [native code] }
this.WebSocket = function WebSocket() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEBlendElement = function SVGFEBlendElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel = function SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel() { [native code] }
this.webkitAudioPannerNode = function AudioPannerNode() { [native code] }
this.HTMLCanvasElement = function HTMLCanvasElement() { [native code] }
this.WebKitCSSKeyframesRule = function WebKitCSSKeyframesRule() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel = function SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel() { [native code] }
this.Clipboard = function Clipboard() { [native code] }
this.HTMLLabelElement = function HTMLLabelElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSStyleDeclaration = function CSSStyleDeclaration() { [native code] }
this.HTMLInputElement = function HTMLInputElement() { [native code] }
this.ClientRect = function ClientRect() { [native code] }
this.HTMLMarqueeElement = function HTMLMarqueeElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGTransform = function SVGTransform() { [native code] }
this.NodeList = function NodeList() { [native code] }
this.SVGAElement = function SVGAElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEPointLightElement = function SVGFEPointLightElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEFuncGElement = function SVGFEFuncGElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLAnchorElement = function HTMLAnchorElement() { [native code] }
this.Int32Array = function Int32Array() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBKeyRange = function IDBKeyRange() { [native code] }
this.WebKitCSSMatrix = function WebKitCSSMatrix() { [native code] }
this.DOMImplementation = function DOMImplementation() { [native code] }
this.SVGPolylineElement = function SVGPolylineElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGNumber = function SVGNumber() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedEnumeration = function SVGAnimatedEnumeration() { [native code] }
this.SVGStopElement = function SVGStopElement() { [native code] }
this.personalbar = [object BarInfo]
this.CSSImportRule = function CSSImportRule() { [native code] }
this.WebGLRenderbuffer = function WebGLRenderbuffer() { [native code] }
this.CloseEvent = function CloseEvent() { [native code] }
this.HTMLScriptElement = function HTMLScriptElement() { [native code] }
this.XPathException = function XPathException() { [native code] }
this.UIEvent = function UIEvent() { [native code] }
this.pageXOffset = 0
this.SVGFEMergeNodeElement = function SVGFEMergeNodeElement() { [native code] }
this.MessageChannel = function MessageChannel() { [native code] }
this.frameElement = null
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this.SVGTRefElement = function SVGTRefElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGDefsElement = function SVGDefsElement() { [native code] }
this.FormData = function FormData() { [native code] }
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this.SVGTextElement = function SVGTextElement() { [native code] }
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this.NodeFilter = function NodeFilter() { [native code] }
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this.SVGNumberList = function SVGNumberList() { [native code] }
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this.CSSStyleRule = function CSSStyleRule() { [native code] }
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this.MessageEvent = function MessageEvent() { [native code] }
this.HTMLAppletElement = function HTMLAppletElement() { [native code] }
this.Range = function Range() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel = function SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel() { [native code] }
this.SVGMaskElement = function SVGMaskElement() { [native code] }
this.NamedNodeMap = function NamedNodeMap() { [native code] }
this.PluginArray = function DOMPluginArray() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimateMotionElement = function SVGAnimateMotionElement() { [native code] }
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this.SVGAnimatedAngle = function SVGAnimatedAngle() { [native code] }
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this.SVGTextPositioningElement = function SVGTextPositioningElement() { [native code] }
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this.SVGTextPathElement = function SVGTextPathElement() { [native code] }
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this.SVGSVGElement = function SVGSVGElement() { [native code] }
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this.SVGFEMorphologyElement = function SVGFEMorphologyElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLSelectElement = function HTMLSelectElement() { [native code] }
this.MediaError = function MediaError() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEDropShadowElement = function SVGFEDropShadowElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLHtmlElement = function HTMLHtmlElement() { [native code] }
this.WebGLUniformLocation = function WebGLUniformLocation() { [native code] }
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this.HTMLLegendElement = function HTMLLegendElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSStyleSheet = function CSSStyleSheet() { [native code] }
this.ErrorEvent = function ErrorEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement = function SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement() { [native code] }
this.WebKitCSSRegionRule = function WebKitCSSRegionRule() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegArcAbs = function SVGPathSegArcAbs() { [native code] }
this.ProcessingInstruction = function ProcessingInstruction() { [native code] }
this.HTMLTitleElement = function HTMLTitleElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLTableColElement = function HTMLTableColElement() { [native code] }
this.MimeTypeArray = function DOMMimeTypeArray() { [native code] }
this.Uint8Array = function Uint8Array() { [native code] }
this.crypto = [object Crypto]
this.SVGAnimatedString = function SVGAnimatedString() { [native code] }
this.SVGElement = function SVGElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSValueList = function CSSValueList() { [native code] }
this.HTMLDocument = function HTMLDocument() { [native code] }
this.parent = [object DOMWindow]
this.Counter = function Counter() { [native code] }
this.SharedWorker = function SharedWorker() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel = function SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel() { [native code] }
this.applicationCache = [object DOMApplicationCache]
this.defaultstatus =
this.SVGPaint = function SVGPaint() { [native code] }
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this.CDATASection = function CDATASection() { [native code] }
this.WebGLActiveInfo = function WebGLActiveInfo() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoRel = function SVGPathSegLinetoRel() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEOffsetElement = function SVGFEOffsetElement() { [native code] }
this.FileError = function FileError() { [native code] }
this.CanvasPattern = function CanvasPattern() { [native code] }
this.Int16Array = function Int16Array() { [native code] }
this.WebKitBlobBuilder = function WebKitBlobBuilder() { [native code] }
this.SVGException = function SVGException() { [native code] }
this.HTMLProgressElement = function HTMLProgressElement() { [native code] }
this.PageTransitionEvent = function PageTransitionEvent() { [native code] }
this.CSSPageRule = function CSSPageRule() { [native code] }
this.pageYOffset = 0
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this.HTMLMapElement = function HTMLMapElement() { [native code] }
this.XPathResult = function XPathResult() { [native code] }
this.StyleSheet = function StyleSheet() { [native code] }
this.SVGRect = function SVGRect() { [native code] }
this.SVGTextContentElement = function SVGTextContentElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel = function SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel() { [native code] }
this.SVGForeignObjectElement = function SVGForeignObjectElement() { [native code] }
this.WebKitAnimationEvent = function WebKitAnimationEvent() { [native code] }
this.HTMLOptionElement = function HTMLOptionElement() { [native code] }
this.DOMTokenList = function DOMTokenList() { [native code] }
this.ProgressEvent = function ProgressEvent() { [native code] }
this.WebKitPoint = function WebKitPoint() { [native code] }
this.SVGFESpotLightElement = function SVGFESpotLightElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs = function SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs() { [native code] }
this.webkitURL = [object DOMURL]
this.HTMLBaseFontElement = function HTMLBaseFontElement() { [native code] }
this.Uint16Array = function Uint16Array() { [native code] }
this.SVGGradientElement = function SVGGradientElement() { [native code] }
this.KeyboardEvent = function KeyboardEvent() { [native code] }
this.XSLTProcessor = function XSLTProcessor() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEFuncBElement = function SVGFEFuncBElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFETurbulenceElement = function SVGFETurbulenceElement() { [native code] }
this.FileList = function FileList() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs = function SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs() { [native code] }
this.HTMLOutputElement = function HTMLOutputElement() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBRequest = function IDBRequest() { [native code] }
this.SVGClipPathElement = function SVGClipPathElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLFieldSetElement = function HTMLFieldSetElement() { [native code] }
this.Option = [object Function]
this.FileReader = function FileReader() { [native code] }
this.OverflowEvent = function OverflowEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGFETileElement = function SVGFETileElement() { [native code] }
this.HashChangeEvent = function HashChangeEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedBoolean = function SVGAnimatedBoolean() { [native code] }
this.SVGAltGlyphItemElement = function SVGAltGlyphItemElement() { [native code] }
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this.SVGMarkerElement = function SVGMarkerElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFESpecularLightingElement = function SVGFESpecularLightingElement() { [native code] }
this.Audio = [object Function]
this.opener = null
this.webkitStorageInfo = [object StorageInfo]
this.HTMLSourceElement = function HTMLSourceElement() { [native code] }
this.history = [object History]
this.HTMLTableRowElement = function HTMLTableRowElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimateElement = function SVGAnimateElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimateTransformElement = function SVGAnimateTransformElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSMediaRule = function CSSMediaRule() { [native code] }
this.File = function File() { [native code] }
this.CanvasRenderingContext2D = function CanvasRenderingContext2D() { [native code] }
this.CompositionEvent = function CompositionEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGHKernElement = function SVGHKernElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegArcRel = function SVGPathSegArcRel() { [native code] }
this.HTMLAreaElement = function HTMLAreaElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs = function SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs() { [native code] }
this.WebGLFramebuffer = function WebGLFramebuffer() { [native code] }
this.RGBColor = function RGBColor() { [native code] }
this.DOMSettableTokenList = function DOMSettableTokenList() { [native code] }
this.SVGDocument = function SVGDocument() { [native code] }
this.ClientRectList = function ClientRectList() { [native code] }
this.SVGScriptElement = function SVGScriptElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGViewElement = function SVGViewElement() { [native code] }
this.WebKitCSSTransformValue = function WebKitCSSTransformValue() { [native code] }
this.TextMetrics = function TextMetrics() { [native code] }
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this.HTMLObjectElement = function HTMLObjectElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs = function SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs() { [native code] }
this.SVGFontFaceFormatElement = function SVGFontFaceFormatElement() { [native code] }
this.Int8Array = function Int8Array() { [native code] }
this.TextEvent = function TextEvent() { [native code] }
this.localStorage = [object Storage]
this.HTMLTextAreaElement = function HTMLTextAreaElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLElement = function HTMLElement() { [native code] }
this.screenTop = 47
this.WebGLRenderingContext = function WebGLRenderingContext() { [native code] }
this.menubar = [object BarInfo]
this.scrollY = 0
this.MediaList = function MediaList() { [native code] }
this.webkitNotifications = [object NotificationCenter]
this.webkitIDBObjectStore = function IDBObjectStore() { [native code] }
this.SpeechInputEvent = function SpeechInputEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGPoint = function SVGPoint() { [native code] }
this.Rect = function Rect() { [native code] }
this.SVGPatternElement = function SVGPatternElement() { [native code] }
this.StorageEvent = function StorageEvent() { [native code] }
this.SVGFECompositeElement = function SVGFECompositeElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLDListElement = function HTMLDListElement() { [native code] }
this.Storage = function Storage() { [native code] }
this.SVGFontFaceNameElement = function SVGFontFaceNameElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegMovetoRel = function SVGPathSegMovetoRel() { [native code] }
this.HTMLCollection = function HTMLCollection() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEMergeElement = function SVGFEMergeElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGMissingGlyphElement = function SVGMissingGlyphElement() { [native code] }
this.WebGLBuffer = function WebGLBuffer() { [native code] }
this.HTMLLIElement = function HTMLLIElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedInteger = function SVGAnimatedInteger() { [native code] }
this.SVGSetElement = function SVGSetElement() { [native code] }
this.XMLHttpRequest = function XMLHttpRequest() { [native code] }
this.SVGLineElement = function SVGLineElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedNumber = function SVGAnimatedNumber() { [native code] }
this.HTMLIFrameElement = function HTMLIFrameElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLTableCellElement = function HTMLTableCellElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLAllCollection = function HTMLAllCollection() { [native code] }
this.HTMLUListElement = function HTMLUListElement() { [native code] }
this.Uint32Array = function Uint32Array() { [native code] }
this.SVGAnimatedLength = function SVGAnimatedLength() { [native code] }
this.scrollbars = [object BarInfo]
this.HTMLFrameSetElement = function HTMLFrameSetElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSPrimitiveValue = function CSSPrimitiveValue() { [native code] }
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this.SVGSymbolElement = function SVGSymbolElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLImageElement = function HTMLImageElement() { [native code] }
this.CSSValue = function CSSValue() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBCursor = function IDBCursor() { [native code] }
this.self = [object DOMWindow]
this.Float64Array = function Float64Array() { [native code] }
this.HTMLQuoteElement = function HTMLQuoteElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLOListElement = function HTMLOListElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGVKernElement = function SVGVKernElement() { [native code] }
this.OfflineAudioCompletionEvent = function OfflineAudioCompletionEvent() { [native code] }
this.TimeRanges = function TimeRanges() { [native code] }
this.Uint8ClampedArray = function Uint8ClampedArray() { [native code] }
this.HTMLUnknownElement = function HTMLUnknownElement() { [native code] }
this.Image = [object Function]
this.Document = function Document() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSeg = function SVGPathSeg() { [native code] }
this.SVGStyleElement = function SVGStyleElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFontElement = function SVGFontElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEFuncRElement = function SVGFEFuncRElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement = function SVGFEGaussianBlurElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLModElement = function HTMLModElement() { [native code] }
this.RangeException = function RangeException() { [native code] }
this.toolbar = [object BarInfo]
this.HTMLFormElement = function HTMLFormElement() { [native code] }
this.MessagePort = function MessagePort() { [native code] }
this.outerWidth = 1173
this.EventSource = function EventSource() { [native code] }
this.HTMLHeadingElement = function HTMLHeadingElement() { [native code] }
this.PopStateEvent = function PopStateEvent() { [native code] }
this.WebKitMutationObserver = function WebKitMutationObserver() { [native code] }
this.HTMLMediaElement = function HTMLMediaElement() { [native code] }
this.HTMLFrameElement = function HTMLFrameElement() { [native code] }
this.DOMStringList = function DOMStringList() { [native code] }
this.webkitIDBTransaction = function IDBTransaction() { [native code] }
this.HTMLKeygenElement = function HTMLKeygenElement() { [native code] }
this.XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent = function XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent() { [native code] }
this.HTMLParagraphElement = function HTMLParagraphElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGTSpanElement = function SVGTSpanElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGMatrix = function SVGMatrix() { [native code] }
this.Plugin = function DOMPlugin() { [native code] }
this.closed = false
this.SVGUseElement = function SVGUseElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegClosePath = function SVGPathSegClosePath() { [native code] }
this.performance = [object Performance]
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this.HTMLHRElement = function HTMLHRElement() { [native code] }
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this.DeviceOrientationEvent = function DeviceOrientationEvent() { [native code] }
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this.SVGPolygonElement = function SVGPolygonElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFontFaceUriElement = function SVGFontFaceUriElement() { [native code] }
this.console = [object Console]
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this.ImageData = function ImageData() { [native code] }
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this.HTMLDirectoryElement = function HTMLDirectoryElement() { [native code] }
this.SVGFilterElement = function SVGFilterElement() { [native code] }
this.webkitIndexedDB = [object IDBFactory]
this.Worker = function Worker() { [native code] }
this.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs = function SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs() { [native code] }
this.event = undefined
this.Notation = function Notation() { [native code] }
this.HTMLBRElement = function HTMLBRElement() { [native code] }
this.webkitAudioContext = function AudioContext() { [native code] }
this.frames = [object DOMWindow]
this.Blob = function Blob() { [native code] }
this.ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer() { [native code] }
this.clientInformation = [object Navigator]
this.Text = function Text() { [native code] }
this.HTMLMetaElement = function HTMLMetaElement() { [native code] }
this.Intent = function Intent() { [native code] }
this.DOMStringMap = function DOMStringMap() { [native code] }
this.SVGLength = function SVGLength() { [native code] }
this.SVGAltGlyphElement = function SVGAltGlyphElement() { [native code] }
this.XMLHttpRequestUpload = function XMLHttpRequestUpload() { [native code] }
this.CSSCharsetRule = function CSSCharsetRule() { [native code] }
this.HTMLPreElement = function HTMLPreElement() { [native code] }
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From: John Sokol <john.sokol@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Subject: humm. JS
To: JM
What a mess, no shortage of namespace to explore.
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